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Tektek Nota (youth ensemble)

Tektek Nota (youth ensemble)


General Information

In Representation of (Optional)
Tektek Nota
Stage Name (If applicable)
Tektek Nota
Place of Residence
Place of Birth
Artist Contact Email
What is your age?
35 to 44
Give a brief description of your art and mark 5 key words
Tektek Nota is a youth wind and percussion project-based ensemble that was founded in late 2019. This youth project allows young emerging musicians to be a part of an innovative and creative youth band. Activities such as musical workshops, team-building sessions, and performances have been organised over the years to support young musicians in developing their technique and skill set.

Tektek Nota, a modern musical platform aimed at youths, has collaborated with other organisations in Malta. During "Tektika Kapitali," a Valletta Cultural Agency project in collaboration with the Malta School of Music, Tektek Nota launched the first educational experience for youths in 2019. In 2021 Tektek Nota collaborated with the European Parliament Liaison Office of Malta and revamped classical music throughout the "Tnax-il Silla”, a glimpse of a European classics concert. In April 2022, young musicians from Tektek Nota collaborated with Caritas Malta and is-Suq tal-Belt to organise a "Music for Hope" concert in a Valletta public space open to the general public. The young musicians donated their sound, and passers-by donated money, with all proceeds benefiting those affected by the war in Ukraine.
