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Holy Week and Easter Traditions

February 5, 2023

Holy Week and Easter traditions culture is a vibrant way of life that is very much in vogue throughout the whole of the Southern Region.  In fact the region offers 4 spectacular Good Friday Processions as well as multiple pageants, and theatrical representations.  To this one might add the numerous private exhibitions from collectors that are organised within different areas of the region.  In 2022, the Southern Regional Council collated all this Information and an informative seminar was organised.  The theme of this seminar was traditions that used to be celebrated and how these were forgotten or changed throughout the years. 

The feedback on what was delivered during the conference was very positive and the Southern Regional Council felt the need to collate all the information gathered in this conference into a publication also, honouring this important cult within the region.  The publication which is written in Maltese, has been edited by Dr Noel Buttigieg and Profs George Cassar. 

This year, the Southern Regional Council will also be organising another conference where another theme will be discussed and exposed to the general public.  This year’s conference will be held on the 18th of March 2023, at Bottega San Giorgio Qormi.  This year’s theme will look at the different crafts, and artisans and the way they work.  Entry is free of charge and everybody is invited.

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