“European voices challenging Euroscepticism” was a project framed in the Europe for Citizens program,
promoted by the Municipality of Rois, Spain, whose main objective was to reflect and debate on
Euroscepticism, as well as to promote values for the construction of a united Europe and tolerant, mutual
understanding between citizens and developing a sense of common belonging, through intercultural
dialogue and the exchange of good practices. The project held the organization of 4 thematic meetings:
Rois (Spain) from 2nd to 5th November 2021, Qormi (Malta) from 13th to 16th February 2022, Erdökürt
(Hungary) from 21st to 24th April 2022 and Pilea-Hortiatis (Greece) from 23rd May to 26th May 2022.
Participation levels where extremely high, as more than 1000 citizens belonging to the 27 countries that
make up the EU, with the intention of achieving the maximum possible debate and representativeness on
the proposed theme.
To achieve the objectives of the project, in line with the priorities of the Europe for Citizens program, the
participants were provided with tools to actively debate the future of Europe and understand the process of
creating public policies. The methodology included highly participatory activities such as seminars,
debates, round tables, meetings with authorities, as well as cultural visits, workshops, video forums or
exhibitions that helped to better understand the reality of the countries in which the events were held. The
selection of participants guaranteed equal access, without any type of discrimination, ensuring equality
between genders and offering the opportunity to citizens who had never been involved in similar projects.
It was developed with a long-term perspective to ensure the greatest possible public impact, offering
moments of dissemination and visibility of the Europe for Citizens project and program, and creating a
transnational network that addresses values such as solidarity, integration, cooperation, and friendship.
Rapport tal-Valutazzjoni tal-Impatt Soċjali Nhar il-Ħamis 29 ta’ Frar 2024 il-Kunsill Reġjonali tan-Nofsinhar niedha l-ewwel rapport li jittratta il- valutazzjoni ta’ l-impatt Soċjali. Dan l-istħarriġ sar fuq assessjar kwalitattiv u kwantitattiv li jittratta...