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Il-Manuċċa ttir maż-Żmien

Il-Manuċċa ttir maż-Żmien

Il-Manuċċa ttir maż-Żmien, hi attivita li ttelgħat mill-Kunsill Reġjonali tan-Nofsinhar flimkien mal-Kunsill Lokali taż-Żejtun nhar is-6 ta’ Mejju fit-toroq u pjazzez prinċipali taż-Żejtun. Dawn it-toroq ġew mżejna bil-Manuċċi li ġew mgħamula mit-tfal tal-iskola...

Good Friday Conference – Lace Making

With Mrs Anna Maria Gatt we spoke about Maltese Lacemaking and its usage during Holy Week celebrations.  Maltese Lace is distinguished by the term ‘Bizzilla’. This particular craft flourished in Malta towards the middle of the 17th century.  Genoese lace...
Good Friday Conference

Good Friday Conference

On the 18th of March 2023, the Southern Region of Culture launched its second conference related to Good Friday Week celebrations. This time round, we focused on different artisans that create the works of art seen during exhibitions and manifestations during Good...
The Southern Region Councils’ Race

The Southern Region Councils’ Race

The 5th of March 2023 marked the first-ever edition of the Southern Region Local Councils’ Race at the Malta Equidrome for top category horses in a special horse race title in the premier category.  12 horses partnered with the Southern Regional Council’s 12...
The Southern Region Local Councils’ Horse Race

The Southern Region Local Councils’ Horse Race

On Sunday 5th March The Malta Equidrome will be hosting a special horse race title in the premier category.  This is the first-ever edition of the Southern Region Local Councils’ Race.  This race is open to the equidrome top category horses.  Each one...